Im nachfolgenden Beitrag stellt sich Jacob Njuguna Wambui, ein Abgangsschüler des Jahres 2013 vor. Jacob hat im November 2013 die Secondary Class School beendet und im Januar 2014 ein selbstbestimmtes Leben außerhalb des Mothers‘ Mercy Homes begonnen. Das war nicht einfach. Zunächst musste eine geeignete Unterkunft gefunden werden; dann begann die Suche nach einem Praktikum, das seinem Berufswunsch entsprach. Jacob will eine Laufbahn als Künstler einschlagen. Sein Ziel ist, ein Diplom in“ Drawing and Painting“ zu erwerben. Schon häufig in den vergangenen Jahren konnte er seine Fähigkeiten unter Beweis stellen. Einige namhafte kenianische Künstler haben ihn und seine Arbeiten schon kennengelernt und attestieren ihm ein großes Potential, das gefördert werden sollte.
Möglich wird dies, durch eine Ausbildungspatenschaft, die die Studiengebühren am renommierten „Buru Buru Institute of Fine Arts“ in Nairobi finanziert. Bevor er sich für das Studium einschrieb, hat Jacob in zwei Galerien praktische Erfahrungen gesammelt. Im Nairobi Art Center hat er den Kunstlehrer bei einem Malkurs mit Schulkindern unterstützt. Im Anschluss traf er im „Go Down Arts Centre”, im Industriegebiet von Nairobi, auf den Künstler Patrick Mukabi, mit dem er eng verbunden ist.
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I am Jacob Njuguna Wambui, a Kenyan; aged 20 years old . Since my childhood I took note that I was talented in drawing and few year down the line I discovered that I could paint to. My late mum inspired me to work on my talent each time after school. I moved on with this spirit through high school till now am in college. Currently am living in Buru Buru, Nairobi, pursuing a diploma in Drawing and Painting which I undertook on 5th January 2015 with very high hope of graduating in three years’ time. Each day I rise at 6:30 a.m. start my day with a prayer to thank God for yet another bright morning, since it’s not a norm to wake up each morning and in good condition. I prepare for school in 30 minutes so that by 7:00 a.m. am quite busy sipping my breakfast. Finally I head to Buru Buru Institute of Fine Arts, a College offering art as a career subject {unit}.
Usually, the first tool that gets into contact with my hands is either a pen or a pencil. I really don’t have an immediate answer to that but I will provide you with it at the end of this typed document . I create a few sketches before the lecturer pops in for the lesson which starts at 8:00 a.m. I produce pencil drawings as well as painting. Pencil drawings are more of portraiture.
Honestly, I am aspiring to be an international artist through perfection of my talent in drawing and painting. I tend to paint on canvas through the realism technique as compared to many other variations such as cubism and abstract. As advised by an international artist, painter named Patrick Mukabi, I gently run my paintbrush on the surface trying to transfer the reality, the existence, onto the material. My paintings have a unique value such that I make them appear somehow rough to the eyes of the viewer but if he/she would only touch he/she is likely to take note that the textural effect achieved is smoothness. A very friendly artist, painter, named Patrick Mukabi advised me to avoid too much of the realism so that the viewer is able to differentiate a painting from a photograph. By this I seemed to develop my unique style of painting. Each time I held a paint brush he ensured that I produced a painting that was worth viewing even if it were in a “dark corner”. This motivated me day by day. I have taken part in various exhibitions such as at the Museum of Kenya. I also attend other artists’ exhibitions so as to appreciate art, in addition, to interact with colleagues from the world of art. Through this I gain more and more knowledge.
As I strive towards being an international artist I have various artists whose works are of great value in my life. The first to appear on my list is Patrick Mukabi, including David Shepherd, Rich-Art Machomba and Pablo Picasso.
I had earlier wrote that I would provide an answer as to why either a pen or a pencil turns out to be the very first tool that gets into contact with my hands and all I can say is that ART IS MY SOUL FOOD.