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Press kit

Cargo Human Care  Registered Association

Take off. Touch down. Help out.

Status April 2019

The Association

Humanitarian and medical aid for Kenya
The Cargo Human Care Registered Association (CHC) is a humanitarian and medical aid project which was founded in 2007 by employees of the Lufthansa Cargo AG air cargo company, together with doctors from Germany. Its core commitment is to provide direct medical aid to people in need, and to give destitute orphans and young people a home and a chance of a good future. In cooperation with local medical facilities and charities in the area, CHC focuses on those areas where help is most urgently required. CHC is currently concentrating on projects in the rural surroundings of Nairobi, as well as in North Kenya. The necessary coordination in Germany and the local medical and social care are carried out by volunteers. Funds required for the projects are financed by private donations. Lufthansa Cargo supports CHC administratively, financially, and logistically.

An Overview of the Projects

Mothers’ Mercy Home (MMH)

The Mothers’ Mercy Home orphanage in Kianjogu/Nairobi, was founded in 2001 by the Bishop of the Anglican Church together with women from the Mount Kenya South Diocese. In 2008, Cargo Human Care used financial donations to erect a brick building that can accommodate 120 children. The girls and boys aged between 3 and 18 years, are housed in 4-bed rooms.

Youth Centre John Kaheni Residence (JKR)

This building, constructed in 2015, is an educational centre as well as a housing project. All CHC’s training programs are coordinated here. At the same time, it is home to 32 young people who organise the running themselves. In addition to the MMH graduates, young people from other projects and from the region receive support here and prepared for an independent life – more than 70 young people in total. Their vocational training programs are ensured through individual training sponsorships. The JKR is managed by team of trained social workers.

Cargo Human Care Medical Centre

The Medical Centre, with its own pharmacy and well-equipped laboratory, exists since February 2009. Nowadays, more than 25,000 treatments are carried out every year. Local nurses look after people from the surrounding area who would not be able to afford treatment otherwise. More than 50 doctors from Germany regularly volunteer their services here in three to four-day shifts. In urgent cases, CHC also assumes the costs for operations or inpatient treatments at the nearby Nazareth Hospital.
The CHC paediatricians also visit “The Nest” orphanage and treat the babies and toddlers there in their accustomed environment.

Medical Camps

CHC doctors have been carrying out “Medical Camps” in remote regions since 2015. These are organised on site by the medical team, and provide basic care for impoverished people for whom, in severe cases, subsequent treatment is also arranged and paid for.

CHC Sponsorships

School Sponsorships / Training Sponsorships / Medical Sponsorships

A solid school and vocational education is essential for young people to be able to start out in life and into a secure future. Therefore, Cargo Human Care assumes all school-related costs as well as the expenses for vocational training. Everything is possible – from learning a trade to studying at university. Medical sponsorships support disabled children or children from extremely destitute families outside the orphanages.

„Happy Child Education Center“ (HCEC) School

In 2017, in cooperation with Lufthansa’s aid organisation “Help Alliance” and the Regine Sixt Children’s Aid Foundation, it was decided to build a pre-school in the Kabiria slum region of Nairobi, on the grounds of the Anglican Church – each party would bear a third of the costs. The building was completed in the 4th quarter of 2018, and the school inaugurated in January 2019. The school can accommodate 100 children from the surrounding area, who had no access to educational facilities up to now.

Marsabit / North Kenia

During the droughts of 2011 and 2017, CHC provided up to 1,000 families in four villages in the Marsabit Diocese with food. The donations were also used subsequently to create the Wings Academy in Karare, a nursery and primary school with four classrooms for 100 children.

CHC Milestones

• The Cargo Human Care Registered Association was founded 
• Doctors regularly fly to Nairobi on board of Lufthansa Cargo freighters
• Construction and inauguration of the Mothers’ Mercy Home for 120 orphans, financed by donations from the “FAZ – Readers Help” initiative
• Start-up of the CHC Medical Centre, with its own pharmacy
• Local nurses ensure continuous medical care
• School sponsorships for the MMH pupils attending Secondary School
• First Summer Camp for the children of the Mothers’ Mercy Home
• “Hunger Help” initiative feeds 224 families in the Marsabit region / North Kenya
• Medical aid expansion
• medical sponsorships
• medical care for babies in “The Nest”
• own laboratory at the Medical Centre
• Construction and inauguration of the Wings Nursery School in Karare near Marsabit
• Construction of a new kitchen with a bio-gas plant and other buildings in the MMH
• Training sponsorships for the first MMH school-leavers
• School sponsorships for MMH primary school pupils
• Construction and inauguration of two further classrooms for a primary school in Karare, and renaming of the school to “Wings Academy”
• Construction and inauguration of the John Kaheni Residence (JKR), financed by “FAZ – Readers Help” donations
• Foreign Minister Dr. Frank-Walter Steinmeier assumes patronage of the JKR
• First external Medical Camps
• The first Alumni move into the JKR
• Further-education seminars commence at the JKR
• Construction and inauguration of the MMH extension
• Second “Hunger Help” aid campaign in Marsabit for 1,000 families
• Construction of the “Happy Child Education Center” (HCEC) school
• Assumption of half of the salary costs of educational staff at the Wings Academy in Marsabit, as well as paying for new tables and benches for the classrooms.
• Procurement of various high-quality devices for the medical station
• Inauguration of the “Happy Child Education Center” (HCEC) in January, in the Kabiria slum area

CHC administration costs amount to 0.7 % of all expenditures. In total, CHC spent around € 539,000 in 2018, on the various projects in Kenya.

Donations account:
Kreissparkasse Groß-Gerau / IBAN DE40 5085 2553 0016 0606 00
Wiesbadener Volksbank / IBAN DE57 5109 0000 0049 4040 00

Karolina Haetty
Phone: +49 69 696 96353
Mobile: + 49 171 564 1994
email: info@cargohumancare.de

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